Saturday, May 12, 2007

Blacksite: Area 51

Recently I noticed a demo up on Marketplace called "Blacksite: Area 51." I had never heard of this game, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

After quickly downloading it (yeah, downloads are fast now after the dashboard update :p) I fired it up. Although the loading screen was ridiculously long, I was immediately impressed with the graphics. The character models look fantastic, and the environment is great. Apparently the game uses the Unreal 3 engine, just like Gears of War.

Graphics aren't everything though, so after I finished running aimlessly around the starting area examining the game's textures, I started actually playing the game.

After struggling to figure out a way to open a door (apparently by teammates couldn't figure out the door was locked until I actually smacked it with my gun), I finally got into the actual action.

Once I opened this stubborn door, I was immediately greeted with some sort of strange alien creature staring at me through a gas station's bulletproof window. My squad told me to watch out for the gas pumps, which were located outside, but I found the pumps actually to be quite helpful, as I shot them and they blew up all aliens within the proximity.

I eventually dispensed of all the creatures outside, and I moved on over a piece of wood that was conveniently placed over an overturned truck. I was promptly greeted with a chopper hovering above me, then more aliens came out of seeming nowhere.

These guys were actually much more difficult then the previous type that I had faced, and eventually, after they downed my teammates and nearly brought me down, they dropped dead from several pistol shots tot he face.

What happened next was a little surprising but also very cool. A large alien creature burst out of the ground (from an emergence hole I guess...apparently the Unreal 3 engine wasn't the only thing they copied from Gears of War), sending cars, fences, and other debris flying towards my face. Fortunately, these cars were more like dust clouds, since they would pass right through me without me losing a bit of health.

The demo ended there. It wins the award of shortest demo on marketplace.

Although the demo was so short, it was actually quite fun. I'll be picking it up when it launches this September.

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